cerita mama

[EF #8]: Dear Younger Me

pageDear me,

Hello, girl. I’m you in the next 10 years.

So, how’s your campus life? It’s great to know you surrounded by such good friends. You seem you enjoy your daily life so much.

I just want to tell you that your dream comes true. You live in Japan now, i mean, in the next 10 years. You’re married and have a cute little girl. Sounds great, huh?

But, don’t be too excited. Just study your japanese harder from now. Your life is in trouble here because your japanese skills is not so good, i mean it is good but still not enough. Just remember more kanji, practice more conversation in Japanese, try to reach at least Japanese level 2. Well, you will pass your level 2 at last, but it would be good if you get it now at your age.

And one more! How about learning to drive a car and get a license? I know you just learned how to ride a motorcycle, and it’s very useful to support your life in Jogja. But here, it’s more useful if you can drive a car and got a license. Trust me!

Well, that’s all. You’re doing good. Let me do the rest. 😉

So be ready…

You, in the next 10 years.



BEC weekly challenge #8: write a letter to the younger you

12 thoughts on “[EF #8]: Dear Younger Me

  1. woaaaaah. It is so great that now you are living your dream life. Cool. Thank you for sharing the story and joining the challenge Mbak.. 🙂

  2. Now I remember, you are the one who post about how you pray at office, am I right mba?

    Living in other country is not as easy as it seem ya Mba?

    1. hahaha, iya pernah posting ttg sholat di tempat kerja. tetap disyukuri dimana pun kita tinggal, maksimalkan ibadah sesuai kemampuan, asal tdk meninggalkan yg wajib. ^_^

  3. Aaaa.. Ternyata dari dulu Mbak uda pengen ke Jepang ya? Eh malah sekarang terkabul en tinggalnya di Jepang pulak.. 😀

    Btw, aku jugak harus belajar bahasa Jepang lebih keras nih. JLPT 2 ngga lulus cobak 😦

    1. N2 emang susah sih, saya bisa lulus mungkin lagi beruntung aja. hahaha. 😀
      Yaaa, semua mahasiswa sastra jepang pasti pada pengen ke jepang. Beby juga kan? Ganbatte…. !!^_^
      Mimpi saya terkabul itu ada faktor ‘X’ nya. Huahaha. Cuplikan tentang mimpi saya pernah ditulis di sini. 😛

      Impian Si Phlegmatis

  4. Woow living your dream banget nih.
    Aku juga dulu pengen banget ke jepang sampai les bahasa jepang. Sampai sekarang ga kesampaian dan bahasanya udh lupa banget. Hahahah

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